.. title: Documentation .. slug: documentation .. date: 2012/12/31 20:40:41 .. tags: .. link: .. description: .. author: The Nikola Team .. class:: lead Here is all the documentation for Nikola. Note that it applies to the latest release, so it may not be accurate if you’re using an older version, or are using an unstable version. If you want to read the documentation for the current GitHub master, check out `Nikola on ReadTheDocs `_. `The Handbook `_ Aimed at those wanting to *use* Nikola to build a site. `Getting Started `_ How to set up Nikola. `The conf.py file `_ This is the default configuration file for the latest version of Nikola. It contains some useful documentation not mentioned in the manual, and can be used for people upgrading to compare with their existing config files. `Upgrading to Nikola v8 `_ A blog post detailing all the changes from Nikola v7. `Changelog `_, `Contributors `_, `The MIT License `_ What’s new, who made this, and the rules for distribution. `Creating Custom Pages `__ How to do custom pages for special purposes, with special templates and styling. `Theming Tutorial `_, `Theming reference `_, `Template variables `_ Useful if you want to create or customize a theme. `Extending Nikola `_ and `Nikola Internals `_ Aimed at those wanting to add new functionality. `Features `_ A list of some Nikola features. `Creating a Site that is not a blog `_ Not everything is a blog! `Path handlers documentation `_ Documentation for path handlers (``link://`` scheme). `Using Social Buttons `_ Replacing AddThis with other solutions. `Automating Nikola rebuilds with GitHub Actions `_ Blogging anywhere with Nikola, GitHub Actions and GitHub Pages. `Python Version Support Policy `_ How we decide which Python versions are supported. **Community content:** `Writing Task Plugins `_ and `Controlling plugin task execution order `_ Tutorials about writing custom task plugins for Nikola. `Tutorial by Tim van der Linden `_ Goes from installing to developing a custom theme. `Tutorial en español de Diego Leonardo Puente `_ Instalación y deployment a GitHub `Tutorial by RCA (in Chinese) `_ Covers installation and getting started `Wordpress migration tutorial by Niko Wenselowski (in German) `_ He wrote most of the Wordpress importer so he knows ;-) `Moving from Octopress to Nikola `_ Since we don't have an automated tool... `ikiwiki to nikola: the script `_ A tool to migrate Markdown posts from ikiwiki to Nikola (with support for footnotes, tags, images and code snippets)