.. link: .. description: .. tags: .. date: 2013/04/15 11:04:43 .. title: Version 5.4.4 is out! .. slug: version-544-is-out Yes, version 5.4.4 is just published at `the usual place `_, including the following improvements: Features -------- * New Japanese translation. * Nikola check exists with 1 if there is an error * New HIDE_UNTRANSLATED_POSTS option that ensures you don't have mixed-language pages (Issue #373) * New theme "site-planetoid" for use with the planetoid plugin. * New 'retired' tag for posts that should no longer be in feeds. Bugfixes -------- * Added post data as a uptodate check for mustache (Issue #456) * Rebuild post pages when the post's translation list changes (Issue #458) * Handle "-h" (Issue #460) * Added correct help for console command (Issue #460) * Escape twittercard data (Issue #452) * Added missing "twittercard" in story template * Added support for per-language tags (Issue #450) * Fix wrong path splitting (Issue #434) * Remember locale even when set_locale failes (Issue #446) * Decode path argument in new_post (Issue #442) * task_indexes had missing config dependencies (Issue #441) * Removed bogus links to slides assets that were removed * Compressed files were seen as unknown by "nikola check" * local search and mustache plugins must be disabled by default (Issue #437) * Avoid failure if there are no tags and USE_GZIP is enabled (Issue #439) * Fix aspect ratio detection in Vimeo videos (Issue #440) * Blogger importer was passing wrong options to "nikola init" (Issue #408)